Tails of RescueMen USA 2018 Charity Calendar
For every $25 donation you make to the RescueMen© Campaign, you will receive one of our Tails of RescueMen 2018 calendars which includes the real stories and photos of inspirational men who have rescued their companion animals.
The mission of the calendar is to promote the importance to adopt, NOT shop and showcase how wonderful shelter/rescue animals can be. The goal is to find them ALL their forever homes!
Each month includes photos of a featured RescueMan with their companion animal(s) and the real story of how they came together.
Donations to the RescueMen® campaign benefit its umbrella company, Pillows for Paws®, a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides shelter cats, dogs and rabbits with beds, toys, treats, grooming and medical supplies in NYC.
Please go to www.rescuemen.org for more information.
**For International mail, there will be a postage charge added.